Chris Pate
Chris Pate was born in central Louisiana, and graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2009 with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Anthropology, as well as an introduction to the ceramic arts. In 2010 he relocated to Portland, Oregon and continued his investigations into clay, firing techniques, and kiln design. In 2012, Pate began wood-firing his work, and has since been the main mode of finishing his ceramic art. Chris has worked with many clay communities and has fired dozens of wood fired kilns around the country.
Artist Statement
"My work is a visual conversation between the straight lines and standard geometric shapes of civilizations, the fractal geometry of nature, and their transitions into and away from each other. I reference topics such as control, decay, change, conflict, and harmony which emerge in the story of our coexistence with the natural world, it’s movement towards balance, and the forces that oppose it."